New art: Fable

After watching a number of tutorials and inspiring art videos, this weekend I finally sat down and attempted watercolour painting properly for the first time:

Riesz from Trials of Mana

I discovered that it is both a more relaxing and more forgiving medium than I realized. (And I need to remember that, as when I woke up on the second day of working on it, I was feeling intimidated about getting back to it.)

Painting bone

For several years, I’ve had a store-bought package of sand dollars among my art supplies with the intention of painting them. Last Sunday, I finally did so. Since they came from the sea, for my first painting, I thought it only fitting to portray an underwater scene. With a dragon, of course.


For my second painting, I thought that I’ve watched so many videos of Bob Ross that I should finally try actually painting using his methods. More or less, anyway; I was using cheap acrylics rather than oils, and of course I had to throw a dragon in this one, too.


Worlds in miniature

I’ve recently discovered the joy of (gaming) miniature painting. So, I thought I’d share my progress here. Most of these figures are from Star Wars: Imperial Assault. For those who aren’t familiar with it, these minis are about 1.5″ tall.



Imperial officers

Verena Talos

Imperial probe droids


Medical droid MHD-19


Gideon Argus

And my latest, R2-D2 (I used a wash for the first time on him, to give him that “seen a lot of action” look)

I also painted an expansion mini for Super Dungeon Explore, ninja Cola (I did not paint the base on this one)

New art!

Well, hi there! Long time no write. (Of course, if you’ve been a viewer of this blog for very long, this should come as little surprise.) There is plenty that I should write about – like the fact that I never mentioned that Enduring Chaos is now on sale – but for now, I’m going to deflect attention by showing off some new art.

The latest, completed yesterday:


This one’s been a while coming, as I originally sketched it in 2010 or 2011, then updated the sketch, inked, and started colouring it last summer before finishing it over the past few days.


Terra and Sabin from the video game Final Fantasy VI. For my friend’s wedding, her mother put out squares of cloth on a table at the reception with fabric markers for guests to write messages to the newlyweds, which she then planned to sew together into a quilt. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my plans to attend the wedding last minute, but the mother of the bride shipped me a square so I could contribute to the quilt.


The Avengers, my jack-o’-lanterns for last Halloween. Original art not by me, I only converted the images to pumpkin format and carved them.

And some progress images from the cover art for Enduring Chaos:

enduring-chaos-back enduring-chaos-characters enduring-chaos

The complete background of the cover art, painted from a photo I took a few years ago; the characters, before effects and some fine tuning done after combining the two; and the completed front cover sans text.

Micro art

Alas, I still have done little art of late – hardly any, in fact. But the art bug has bitten me recently, and I have done a few things on a smaller scale.

For one thing, I’ve been playing a lot of Draw Something. And while most of my drawings there are stick figures, occasionally I get the urge to create something a little more advanced. So, here is a compilation of some of my better turns:


(My personal favourite may be the pancakes.)

I also recently discovered a painting app for Android called Fresco, and while I haven’t even taken much time with it lately, I have done a little playing around with it:



These were both done on a 4.2″ screen using a dollar store stylus. The first was done in about an hour, the second in about twenty minutes. This is art for me these days.

Is more coming? Hard to say. I’m still feeling inspired at the moment, but as was proven to me once again, I get a little too absorbed in making art to do any while watching a little one. We shall see.