New art: Meeting

Still enjoying making art on my iPad. For this drawing, I wanted to try some of the real media brushes in Clip Studio Paint—I went with chalk for most of this piece—and I thought a children’s book illustration style would suit the tools well.

I’ll draw something other than a dragon soon. Probably.

New art: Solstice

I had a couple of reasons for making my newest art. First was that I got an iPad and Apple Pencil and was eager to try out both for art. I also received a free trial of Clip Studio Paint Pro, which I’ve heard good things about and which looked quite promising from the information I’ve read about it. I’ve much more to learn still, but am really enjoying it already.

As to why I painted this picture, that’s a bit longer story. I saw a few posts online a year ago about the origins of the cuetlaxochitl—or as it’s more commonly known in the imperialist West, poinsettia—but only this season did I read up on its true history as a plant cultivated by and sacred to Aztec civilization (along with the sordid personality of its English namesake). Combined with my usual annoyance with the unchallenged sexism, racism, ableism, etc. of many “classic” holiday songs, I decided to make a painting that incorporated as many Christmas symbols co-opted from other cultures as I could (and which my limited Google-fu came up with). And because I’m me, I made it a dragon.

On a more personal level, I have not enjoyed making art this much in a long time. I wasn’t only pleased with how it was turning out, I loved the process of working on it. I am greatly looking forward to making more art on my iPad.

Anyway, here’s the completed piece:

New art: Flights of fancy

My daughter asked me to draw her as a magical girl, and I decided to take that a step further with some additional drawings.

I do intend to add backgrounds to the latter two, but I scrambled to get these done in time for her birthday, and now that that’s past, I have two other goals I want to achieve before the end of the month, so finishing these is going on the back burner for now. (Along with getting better scans.)

All images done in marker (with backdrop on the magical girl picture in pencil crayon).

New art: Raven

I did more new art, this time Hawkeye from Trials of Mana.

I tried a new method of marker colouring for this picture, and I’m actually quite pleased with it.

I started by inking the drawing with Prismacolor brush tip markers, and not inking all the pencil lines in the hair:

Then, rather than my typical method of using a single marker to colour and shade each area, I started by shading and highlighting the entire drawing using contrasting colours.

… which made for some really nice effects while adding the colours.

I still added a bit of additional shading with the flat colours to help give it a bit more depth. It may not be perfect, but I feel like my art is a lot more polished of late, and adding some simple colour theory to my shading in this one really made it pop. While I have other tasks I need (want) to get done before the end of the month, I’m feeling quite inspired after this picture and the watercolour painting to work on more art.

New art: Fable

After watching a number of tutorials and inspiring art videos, this weekend I finally sat down and attempted watercolour painting properly for the first time:

Riesz from Trials of Mana

I discovered that it is both a more relaxing and more forgiving medium than I realized. (And I need to remember that, as when I woke up on the second day of working on it, I was feeling intimidated about getting back to it.)